This is also posted in the newsgroups, having installed IE7 beta 1, and then the WB update, I found that windowblinds no longer seems to skin the [ToolBarBackground] section for any skins on most of my programs, screenshot in shows the problem on IE7, explorer and SmartFTP. Funnily enough though, firefox and thunderbird seem to get skinned properly...

Has anyone been able to duplicate this problem?

on Jul 31, 2005
I think Firefox uses it's own toolbar, hence why it get skinned and not the rest. Not sure about the rest though. Perhaps something with WB, or perhaps the IE7 beta updated the toolbar controls and changed something that WB didn't expect... I dunno...
on Jul 31, 2005
i have ie7 also, and it wouldn't skin properly w/ WB
on Jul 31, 2005
on Aug 02, 2005
The problem is still there in 4.59d[b].002 (today's build)
on Aug 02, 2005

Please check the date of your dll.

4.59d should resolve this.

on Aug 02, 2005
Thanks Neil, the update did the trick, all my other programs are being skinned as normal , but still baffled as to why IE7s' own menubar seems not to skin properly, even after the update...

Just to clarify, everything else skins properly now except the menubar in IE7.
on Aug 05, 2005
Does it appear black?
on Aug 05, 2005
no, the menubar background just doesn't skin at all, but the menu items do.